Pfizer Ideas - The Stories Of Chronic Pain Patients 

Pfizer Ideas - The Stories Of Chronic Pain Patients  / 1920x1080, 2 mins, 2020 / 2D Animation

Pain is physical, of course, but it has many other dimensions, including emotional and systemic. This film interviewed several chronic pain patients, inviting them to share their stories, pain and experience of coping with the disease. 

The film was divided into three parts, each addressing issues from the perspectives of mental health, physical well-being, and systemic challenges. I oversaw the direction and design of these segments, delegating the tasks to different animators, including myself, for each episode.


2021 International Motion Art Awards 9 - Selected winner
2021 ADC Awards - Merit  ( Pfizer - Chronic Pain )
2020 The Motion Award 2020 - Nominated (Pfizer - Chronic Pain )

Client: The Atlantic Festival / Pfizer
Agency: Invisible Hand
Director/Designer: Chu-Chieh Lee
Producer: Annlin Chao 
Stephen Vuillemin (#1-The Physical)
Sidsel Sorensen (#2-The Emotional)
Iris Abols  (#3-Healthcare System)
Szu-Yu Hou (#3-Healthcare System)
Chu-Chieh Lee
Sound Designer: Fabrizio Martini
